If possible, use only one primary button per page/UI component.

Button visuals are applied to elements, that match one of these CSS selectors.

You can use icons in buttons. But if you do, you have to put button text in some wrapper element (plain span in good enough), so margins work correctly.

Code Examples

<!-- Simple button -->
<a href="#" class="button">
	Button text

<!-- Disabled submit input -->
<input type="submit" class="disabled" value="value" />

<!-- Big button tag with icons on both sides -->
<button class="big">
	<svg class="icon icon-service-mergado" aria-hidden="true">...</use></svg>
	<span>Button text</span>
	<svg class="icon icon-service-mergado" aria-hidden="true">...</use></svg>

Buttons row

If you need multiple buttons in a single row, just wrap them in a .buttons-row element, like so:

<div class="buttons-row">
	<button class="secondary danger">Cancel</button>

All possible combinations