Mergado Markdown in Store

An extension of GitHub Flavored Markdown that enables you to easily add screenshots (or other images) and videos into your app’s docs is available to use in Mergado Store. This can be used by you to give that extra touch to your app’s description or help.


{images=http://image.url/1,http://image.url/2,http://image.url/3, ...}

This macro, where you put a list of image URLs separated by a comma (,), creates a list of images that are capable of being displayed in a lightbox.

YouTube videos


This macro embeds an <iframe> with this video:


{tip}Press ctrl+w in terminal to delete the word before the cursor.{/tip}

This macro renders the enclosed message (a useful suggestion) inside a frame which is very visible and harder for users to overlook.

Mergado Markdown in Notifications

In notifications, subset of Markdown tags is available. These tags are:

Extension for Mergado URIs is also available in notifications. This extension allows you to create links for URLs in Mergado app without knowing the exact address or watching for URL changes.

Available URIs are: