Base colors

Dark Grey

Default text and dark background color.

$darkGrey $textColor

Dark Brown

Lines and inactive items color.

$darkBrown $lineColor

Medium Brown

Page background color.

$mediumBrown $pageBackgroundColor

Light Brown

Secondary background color, headers, etc. Often combined with dark brown border.

$lightBrown $backgroundColor


Plain white color, used for background of most elements.




General purpose grey color, lighter text color.


Medium Grey

General purpose grey color, drab text color.

$mediumGrey $drabColor

Light Grey

General purpose grey color, disabled form controls.


Extra Ligth Grey

General purpose grey color, disabled form controls.


Primary Color / Cyan

Dark Cyan

Dark variant of primary color, buttons hover.

$darkCyan $primaryColorDark


Primary "color" color, hyperlinks. active state, buttons.

$cyan $primaryColor

Highlight Colors

Light Cyan

Highlight of active items

$lightCyan $highlightColor

Light Yellow

Alternate highlight color, less significant than light cyan. Hover background highlighting in tables.

$lightYellow $hoverBackground

Positive Color / Green

Dark Green

Dark variant of positive color - borders, hover, etc.


Mergado Green

Base positive color.


Light Green

Background color for positive notifications / messages.


Negative Color / Red

Dark Red

Dark variant of negative color - borders, hover, etc.

$darkRed $negativeColorDark


Base negative color.

$red $negativeColor

Light Red

Background color for negative notifications / messages.

$lightRed $negativeBackground

Warning Color / Orange

Dark Orange

Dark variant of warning color - borders, hover, etc.

$darkOrange $warningColorDark


Base warning color.

$orange $warningColor



Base notification / message color.




Light Violet
