All apps are registered in the Developers Center. If you don’t have an account in Mergado, you will be redirected to Accounts where you can create one. A new account is free – please, don’t be discouraged if you are asked to select a billing period, no payment will be required, i.e. the option is for users who decide to use Mergado for product data management in their eshop.

In the Developers Center, you must first confirm that you want to develop new applications for Mergado (if you haven’t done that yet). After this step you should be able to register new apps by clicking on a button with a plus sign (+).

Registering a new app

Before you register a new app, you need to figure out a name, a type of the app and other information:

You won’t be able to change the name and type after the registration of the app. However, other information like color or trial period can be changed anytime, so you don’t need to worry about that at this point and can decide later in the development process.

DB, SSH and OAuth2 credentials

As soon as you finished the registration of a new app, MySQL, SSH and OAuth2 credentials are generated for the app. This credentials are also accessible on the app’s overview page.

Connecting to the DB

You can connect to the DB via Adminer running on our own server.

Accessing app’s repository

On Linux and Mac, a repository can be accessed via SSH by running the following command in terminal:

$ ssh <username>

If you are running Windows, you can install PuTTY or any other SSH client for Windows.

For regular development, you will probably want to access the repository via SFTP:

$ sftp <username>

You can, of course, use a graphical SFTP client. There is a variety of clients for Linux and Mac, which one you want to use is up to you. On Windows, very popular GUI client is WinSCP or Total Commander with an extension for SFTP support.