Rules are probably the most useful feature in Mergado. With queries, they provide a tool for fast and easy modification of products’ data.


Queries are used to filter products by values of their elements. For this purpose, we implemented our own language abbreviated as MQL (Mergado Query Language). MQL helps to describe how to filter a set of products, similarly as SELECT statements in SQL. And in fact, all MQLs are always translated into SQL. For example, a query returning all products with price lower than 100 EUR looks like this in MQL:


In the above query, PRICE_VAT is the name of an element in a project (which is often also the name in the project’s input XML feed, however, elements can also be created manually in Mergado UI by users or in the API). Anyway, it’s possible to create queries using a bit more advanced conditions. Here is a list of all possible operators:

Names of elements can be escaped using square brackets, i.e. [ and ]. For example, the element PARAM|color can be used in MQL like this: [PARAM|color] = 'red'.


All manipulation of products’ data happens in rules. Rules transform input data (provided mostly by administrators in eshops or by marketing agencies) to output data (usually consumed by services like, Google Merchant and Zboží.cz). The simplest rule is called rewriting which does nothing else than that it fills the output value of a product’s element with a value. For instance, imagine you have a product like ThinkPad T440 and you want to lower its price. The rule rewriting is one way to do it and this is the action it performs:

        input                      output

    +------------+             +------------+
    |  product   |             |  product   |
    +------------+             +------------+
    | NAME:      |             | NAME:      |
    |   ThinkPad |  rewriting  |   ThinkPad |
    |            | +---------> |            |
    | PRICE:     |             | PRICE:     |
    |   999 EUR  |             |   819 EUR  |
    +------------+             +------------+

You usually don’t want to lower prices of all products in your feed and that is where queries come into play as they are used to select only a portion of products in a feed.

Instantiation and definition

When we say instantiate a rule, what we mean is that someone creates a rule that performs bulk modification of products in a feed. This modification is done in a way that the user intents by an instantiation, for example, a rule’s instance might lower prices of all products by 100 EUR. Such rule is probably not very useful but it shows what rule instances do: modify a project’s (export’s) products.

Another term we use is rule definition. Rule definitions are actually like classes in object-oriented programming, while rule instances are like objects. A rule definition represents what a particular rule does and what parameters it requires in order to be instantiated.

For example, the definition of the rule rewriting looks like this:

    "type": "rewriting",
    "relationship": "1:1",
    "fields": [
            "required": false,
            "type": "STRING",
            "name": "new_content"

As we mentioned previously, this rule rewrites the current value with a new one usually chosen by the user (or by an app). When you want an app to instantiate a new rule using our API, you must provide the following information:

In the case of the rewriting rule, a user or an app provides the new_content field – the value with which the output value of each selected product is replaced.

Application rules

Mergado provides a list of predefined rules, which can be used to manipulate products’ data. This is useful if you want to create a set of rules according to the eshops feed, the current day, the weather, etc. In many cases it is very useful to define your own rule which can be instantiated by an app.

Warning: If a rule applied to an input query hides a product and although the product is in some queries of other rules, then still on that product there will not be applied any other rules.

Creating application rule

Each application can define rules by exposing a URL. First you need to create such rule in the Mergado Developers center. In your App select Rules in left menu. You must provide:

Parameter Description
Title Description of your rule.
ID ID you specify here will be converted into app_rule_type you use in API to instantiate new rule. It will be in format apps.<your-app-name>.<ID>.

Note: Stages (dev and production) have different type.
URL URLs for your rules. Stages (dev and prodution) can have different URLs.

There are also optional settings which you can use to specify version of product data representation, filters for product elements or URL address where settings request will be sent.

Parameter Description
version Date type field to specify which product data representation to use. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
regex filter You can specify the regex by which we’ll filter project elements that are sent from mergado.
Mergado equivalent filter You can specify Mergado XML elements whose equivalent for the given format will be sent from Mergado.
settings url You can specify the URL address where the settings request containing rule application details will be sent.

Rule settings per each application

For each rule application, it is possible to modify some of the above settings. Before the rule application settings request is sent to the settings_url specified in the Mergado Developers center, the default settings of the rule are included. Applications can than modify some of the provided settings thus, modifying rule settings for this specific rule application. If settings_url is provided and if an error occurs during the settings request, or if Mergado does not receive a response, rule application will be terminated. Fields included in settings request:

   "project_id": "XXXX",
   "runtime_format": "",
   "rule_id": 1,
   "apply_settings": {
      "app_full_name": "application_name",
      "app_rule_type": "",
      "app_url_address": "",
      "version_for": "2023-09-07",
      "element_sending_policy": "advanced_settings",
      "element_regex": "(*)",
      "mergado_xml_equivalent": ["ITEM_ID"],
      "values_to_extract": [
         "IMG_URL { @@POSITION = 1 }",
         "IMG_URL { @@POSITION = 5 }"
      "max_payload_size": 1000000

Explanation of the fields:

In response, application can change blue colored fields. Any other modification will be ignored and default value sent to application will be used.

Instantiating new rule via Mergado API

Send HTTP POST request on<project-id>/rules/ URL.

with body:

	"name": "Rule name",
	"type": "app",
	"data": {
		"app_rule_type": "",
	"...Some data skipped, see Mergado API doc for more info...",

Explanation of the fields:


Now application rule supports 2 versions. Version until 2022-09-10 and from 2022-09-10. You can specify version you want to use in Mergado Developers center by specifying version parameter. Every date >= 2022-09-10 means, that MERGADO will use new version and sent product data in the new representation.

Processing of application rule for version until 2022-09-10

Version until 2022-09-10

In the version until 2022-09-10, the backend sends the data on URL you specified in Mergado Developers center in the following format by a HTTP POST request:

    "rule_id": "12",
    "project_id": "1",
    "apply_log_id": "501",
    "request_id": "1BAC92",
    "current_format": "",
    "data": [
            "id": "123",
            "created_at": "2016-03-27T17:18:45+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-04-28T17:18:50+00:00",
            "output_changed_at": null,
            "data": {
                "ITEM_ID": "890",
                "PRODUCTNAME": "Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3",
                "DELIVERY_DATE": "0",
                "EAN": "0848719006099",
                "PRICE": "2525.10",
                "IMGURL": ""
            "metadata": {
            "id": "234",
            "created_at": "2016-01-07T13:56:42+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-04-28T17:18:50+00:00",
            "output_changed_at": null,
            "data": {
                "ITEM_ID": "530",
                "PRODUCTNAME": "Epson LX 100 EPS",
                "DELIVERY_DATE": "3",
                "EAN": "0010313601581",
                "PRICE": "185.10",
                "IMGURL": ""
            "metadata": {

Explanation of the fields:

  • project_id - ID of the project. Changes in products by rules are applied to this project.
  • rule_id - ID of the rule in Mergado, each rule is represented by one row in the UI.
  • apply_log_id - ID of the rule application’s log.
  • request_id - ID of the request, different for each request. Note that the ID doesn’t change when the request is retried (see Retrying on Errors bellow).
  • current_format - Name of the format in which the products are represented when this rule is applied.
  • data - A list of products.
    • id - ID of the product.
    • created_at - When the product has been imported in Mergado.
    • updated_at - The last time the product has been changed.
    • output_changed_at - The last time the product changed its output values.
    • data - A key-value pair containing elements, their names and values. These values are altered by rules with higher priority (applied sooner in the chain of rules).
    • metadata - Cached data for the whole application process that you send before in response for this particular product in another rule.

The request is considered to be a success if the server replies with a 200 OK HTTP status code and the body of the response contains products’ data in the same format. The application is not required to return all products, it is required to return only the products and elements that were processed and should be changed in some way. For example, the server’s response might be:

    "data": [
            "id": "234",
            "data": {
                "DELIVERY_DATE": "0"
            "metadata": {

This minimalistic version is highly recommended as it is more efficient for both, the application and for Mergado’s backend.

Note: If you want to hide a product’s element value, return its value set to an empty string "" or to a null, both values are treated the same in Mergado.

Processing of application rule for version from 2022-09-10

Version from 2022-09-10

In the version from 2022-09-10, the backend sends the data on URL you specified in Mergado Developers center in the following format by a HTTP POST request:

    "rule_id": "12",
    "project_id": "1",
    "apply_log_id": "501",
    "request_id": "1BAC92",
    "current_format": "",
    "data": [
            "id": "123",
            "created_at": "2016-03-27T17:18:45+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-04-28T17:18:50+00:00",
            "output_changed_at": null,
            "data": {
			"ITEM_ID": [{"value": "111223"}],
			"PRODUCTNAME": [{"value": "Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3"}],
			"DELIVERY_DATE": [{"value": "0"}],
			"IMGURL": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}],
			"GIFTS": [{
				"attributes": {"ID": {"value": "KVP-12"}},
				"elements": {"GIFT": [{"value": "Free Delivery"}]}
               "attributes": {
               		"TOP_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE": {"value": "123456"}

            "extracted_values": {
                "IMAGE { @@POSITION = 2 }": [""],
                "GIFT { @ID = 'KVP-12' }": ["Free Delivery"]
            "metadata": {
            "id": "234",
            "created_at": "2016-01-07T13:56:42+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-04-28T17:18:50+00:00",
            "output_changed_at": null,
            "data": {
		        "ITEM_ID": [{"value": "5336"}],
		        "PRODUCTNAME": [{"value": "Epson LX 100 EPS"}],
		        "DELIVERY_DATE": [{"value": "3"}],
		        "EAN": [{"value": "0010313601581"}],
		        "IMGURL": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}],
		        "GIFTS": [{
		        	"attributes": {"ID": {"value": "KVP-175"}},
		        	"elements": {"GIFT": [{"value": "Discount 10$"}]}
            "extracted_values": {
                "IMGURL { @@POSITION = 2 }": [""],
                "GIFT { @ID = 'KVP-12' }": ["Discount 10$"]
            "metadata": {

Explanation of the fields:

  • project_id - ID of the project. Changes in products by rules are applied to this project.
  • rule_id - ID of the rule in Mergado, each rule is represented by one row in the UI.
  • apply_log_id - ID of the rule application’s log.
  • request_id - ID of the request different, for each request. Note that the ID doesn’t change when the request is retried (see Retrying on Errors bellow).
  • current_format - Name of the format in which the products are represented when this rule is applied.
  • data - A list of products.
    • id - ID of the product.
    • created_at - When the product has been imported in Mergado.
    • updated_at - The last time the product has been changed.
    • output_changed_at - The last time the product changed its output values.
    • data - Nested structure representing product data. These values are altered by rules with higher priority (applied sooner in the chain of rules).
    • extracted_values - Dictionary containing element path - list of product values key-value pairs extracted from product. Element paths must be provided in the settings request during the initiation of the rule.
    • metadata - Cached data for the whole application process that you send before in response for this particular product in another rule.

The request is considered to be a success if the server replies with a 200 OK HTTP status code and the body of the response contains product’s data in the same format. The application is not required to return all products, it is required to return only the products and subtrees with top level elements as roots that were processed and should be changed in some way. If application wants to change the values ​​of elements, it is necessary to send the entire subtree in the response, starting with the top level element, in its final form. For example, the server’s response might be:

    "data": [
            "id": "234",
            "data": {
            	"elements": {
		        "ITEM_ID": [{"value": "11111"}],
		        "IMGURL": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}],
		        "GIFTS": [{
		        	"attributes": {
		        		"ID": {"value": "KVP-175"}
		        		"DURATION": {"value": "3 weeks"}
		        	"elements": {"GIFT": [{"value": "Discount 10$"}]}
            "extracted_values": {
                "IMGURL { @@POSITION = 2 }": "",
                "ITEM_ID": "777",
                "GIFTS { @@POSITION = 2 } | GIFT": "Discount 15$"
            "metadata": {

Changing the value of an element

It is possible to change the value of the element by changing the value field of the given element. In case of changing the value of a nested element, it is necessary to send the entire structure in which it is located (whole subtree from top level elements to tree leaves).

Creation of a new element value

Newly created values ​​for the product element must be inserted at the end of the list of values ​​for the given element. For example, "IMGURL": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}, {"value": "new_value_of_IMGURL"}] means that the application wants to add a new value (new_value_of_IMGURL) for the element IMGURL. It is possible to create whole new subtrees using fields elements and attributes with the same semantic as shown in the previous server’s response.

Deletion of values ​​of product elements

There are more ways do delete data for the specific element:

  • "IMGURL": [] - Delete the value for all occurrences of the given element in the product. If the occurrence of the given element has children or attributes, their values ​​will also be deleted (values of the whole subtree for all occurrences of specified element will be deleted).
  • "IMGURL": [{}, {"value": ""}] - Delete the first value of the element IMGURL and delete values of all elements and attributes in its subtree.
  • "IMGURL": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}] - Delete the first value of the element IMGURL. If the element has children or attributes, they won’t be changed.

Processing of extracted_values field

Application can modify, delete or create value of the product by using extracted_values field. This field contains dictionary with element path - new product value key-value pairs. Mergado will update all product values associated with the provided element_path to the new value. Value must be string. Any other value will trigger an error, leading to the termination of the rule application.

Retrying on Errors and Delaying Requests

Whenever your app returns 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code, the application of rules fails and the whole project’s rebuild is interrupted. Users than see this error in the UI.

Our server attempts retrying (5 times at most) when the app returns a 502, 503, 504 or 429 status code on an app’s rule application. The retry can be affected when the app responses with a 429 status code with a Retry-After header. For more information on this header, see Mozilla docs.

To delay another request (to prevent application overload) pass Mergado-Please-Slow-Down: true header. The delay will increase with every such response.